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5 Co-Parenting Tips

After a custody battle, parents may find it difficult to raise their children together as a cooperative, communicative team. If your split was especially hostile and resulted in a lot of wounded feelings and anger, moving forward may be an even bigger struggle. We put together a list of tips that will help you overcome the challenges you may face, so you can be a more effective co-parent.

Co-parenting with Your Child's Other Parent

In the aftermath of a contested litigation, it is crucial for both parties to set aside any feelings they may have about their custody battle or what led up to it. Lingering on these unresolved issues now will only interfere with your ability to co-parent as a team, so consider finding a healthy outlet for these thoughts, so you can focus on your children’s needs and wellbeing.

Here are 5 co-parenting tips:

  1. Do not use your children as messengers: Although you may not want to deal with your former spouse, you should still communicate directly with each other. If you send messages through your children, it will only hurt them, and your messages will likely get lost in translation.
  1. Work on your ability to communicate with each other: Consider setting a business tone for all communication and keep your conversations focused on your children. You should also both learn how to listen to each other more effectively and be willing to apologize when the situation calls for it.
  1. Set consistent rules and routines: Now that your children will go back and forth between two households, it is crucial to set consistent rules and routines for them to create some consistency and stability in their lives, which will help them feel secure.
  1. Make all important co-parenting decisions together: Show some respect for one another by discussing and making all major child-rearing decisions as a team.
  1. Learn how to compromise: There may be some issues on which you wish to be steadfast, but you should also be willing to compromise. Co-parenting is not about winning, and you and your ex-spouse should be willing to give and take.

Working with your child’s other parent can be a difficult task, but with an honest effort and willingness to cooperate, you can become more effective co-parents.

Call Our Law Office for the Compassionate Legal Guidance You Need Today!

If you need an experienced family law attorney on your side for any of the potential challenges you may encounter in the aftermath of custody litigation, schedule a consultation at Camille Borg Law PLLC, where our experienced attorneys have the skill and compassion to get you through this difficult time.

Reach out to our law office at (469) 646-7763 to set up a consultation and discuss the details of your case.
